5 Mistakes Distributors Make When Selecting an Enterprise Software Solution

5 Mistakes Distributors Make When Selecting an Enterprise Software Solution System replacement starts with a vision It’s no light matter to replace your enterprise software system. It’s essentially performing a heart transplant on your business. Replacement may appear to be a difficult and painful process, but done right, it can open numerous business opportunities. The cornerstone of this effort is finding the partner that can show you how to make this hard transition easier, and a specialist with the confidence to walk side-by-side with you until your goals are achieved. Distributors decide to replace their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for a variety of reasons. At the most fundamental level, the question is whether your current system supports or constrains your ability to execute business strategies that will make your company successful and establish it as an industry leader. After the decision to change is made, you must imagine what your company will look like in 10 years or more. What new developments in your industry will reshape your company? How will your company lead or respond to those changes? More importantly, how will you get there, what technologies will you have adopted, and how will they have helped you succeed? This vision will form the basis of the criteria for your selection of an ERP system replacement. Your enterprise software provider must be part of your vision. They must have faced these challenges many times in their history and learned how to help distributors adopt new technologies. The future of your business depends on whether they have successfully made the leap from one technology curve to the next, and continue to innovate and deliver to help companies like yours lead the change. Selecting the right software provider for your business can be a daunting task for those who lack experience in this process. The last thing any person or company wants is to invest in the wrong technology and choose the wrong partnership. There are five common mistakes distributors make when embarking on the software selection process. XXNot involving the head of the organization in the decision-making process XXSkipping the planning phase because “it takes too much time” XXConsidering a technology provider that doesn’t truly understand your industry XXAssuming you will do things exactly the same way you do them today XXSelecting a vendor that lacks a long-term vision If you can avoid these common pitfalls, you will dramatically increase your chances for success. This document addresses each of these issues and presents sound advice for ensuring you make the proper decision that will support and enhance the future vision of your company. 3 5 Mistakes Distributors Make When Selecting an Enterprise Software Solution Mistake #1 Not involving the head of the organization in the decisionmaking process You wouldn’t open a new warehouse or branch location without involving your business leaders, so why do a significant number of distributors exclude their owner, president, or CEO from the enterprise software decision-making process? In today’s technology-driven world, perhaps no other decision can have a greater impact on your company’s success or failure. However, thinking it’s strictly a technology issue, top executives often leave the decision solely to their information technology (IT) staff. In reality, purchasing software is a pure business decision. Unless the IT team understands the vision of the company for the next 5-10 years, they cannot judge the value a software solution will bring to the business. The top executive should always lead the search for new software by establishing a vision for the project. Because the software selected will impact almost every employee within the organization, the success or failure of the new software often hinges on whether or not the people who will use it buy into the decision. Line managers in each operational area must have some input in the decision-making process. That is not to say that theirs is the only vote that counts, but understanding their day-to-day issues will help you make an informed decision. Finally, input from the IT staff is necessary to ensure that the software solution you select can carry your business into the future. Software that meets your needs today can become obsolete in six months if the technology that the software is built upon can’t grow and adapt with your business. Ideally, the team selecting your new enterprise software solution should include a high-level executive sponsor with long-range vision; line managers from each discipline to confirm proper functionality; and IT staff to ensure that you have the best technology infrastructure for the present and future. 4
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