An Unexpectedly
Poetic Preface
A data migration is like moving to a new home.
Moving can get stressful quickly. While it does take
careful planning, it also amounts to endless weeks of
chaos (and boxes all over the place). You keep losing
stuff and finding even more stuff you thought was
long gone.
In the attic, you discover everything you’ve stowed away
throughout the years. Although you’ve been up there
a handful of times to poke around, you know this time
you’ll have to make a stay-or-go decision about every
single thing you find. You ask yourself, will I ever wear
these old cruise vacation clothes again? Should I finally
donate these porcelain figurines to the closest antique
shop? And the biggest mystery of all: how did we
manage to amass this much stuff in such a small house?
Obviously you can’t do all this sorting and packing
by yourself; other people need to be mobilized to
help out. And with that, the list of potential stresses
grows. However, there’s a purpose and an end to all
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Dat a Mi grat i on for Huma ns
this commotion. You have a vision of your future place
in mind. It’s a big change, and it feels right—a new
neighborhood, a new house with more room, a better
view, and higher standard of living. All the benefits of
your new place drive the rare and rather unpleasant
project to a successful end.
Nobody moves just because they want to be, well,
moving. But it is a necessary part of the transition to
something better.
And it needs to be kept under control.
www.c l overet l .com/d ata- mig ratio n
Dat a Mi grat i on for Huma ns
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