Getting started with experimentation

The impact of experimentation Fortunately, there is a way to overcome these obstacles and gain insights that can improve your existing customer engagement methods; a powerful way to use data to optimize not just your website, but every point of contact that matters to your audience. Adopting an experimentation philosophy empowers everyone in your organization from top executives to product managers to customer-facing employees. It allows leadership to minimize risk without increasing time, money, and human capital investments. Experimentation allows you to own the optimization process, and, most importantly, inspires employees across your enterprise to become more invested in creating a unified view of your customer base by making hypothesis testing easy and accessible. Continue reading to discover: • What experimentation can help you achieve. • How to effectively advocate for experimentation across your enterprise. • Where to start with experimentation for maximum impact. 02 Getting started with experimentation 10 Ph 1.00 10.00 100.00 Experimentation Philosophy 0.00 Table of contents 03 Getting started with experimentation 04 08 CHAPTER 1: 12 CHAPTER 3: 16 CONCLUSION: Operationalizing experimentation CHAPTER 2: Championing an experimentation philosophy Getting started with experimentation Taking experimentation to the next level
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