ACCESS Business is constantly looking for new sources of data to complete decision making, but consolidation of diverse and unstructured data remains elusive - and often goes beyond the capabilities of Excel. They can’t wait for IT processes and need the information now. because so much of the information we need is locked in PDFs and other systems XLS XML XLS XLS HTML XLS TXT XML DB TXT LOG XLS LOG XLS DOC XML PDF PDF TXT TXT HTML DOC LOG XML PDF LOG HTML DOC YOUR DATA ACCESSIBILITY PROBLEM IS COSTING YOU $65 MILLION CIO, 2017 LOG HTML Just a 10% increase in data accessibility will result in more than $65 million additional net income for a typical Fortune 1000 company. XLS DB XLS XLS...
ACCESS Business is constantly looking for new sources of data to complete decision making, but consolidation of diverse and unstructured data remains elusive - and often goes beyond the capabilities of Excel. They can’t wait for IT processes and need the information now. because so much of the information we need is locked in PDFs and other systems XLS XML XLS XLS HTML XLS TXT XML DB TXT LOG XLS LOG XLS DOC XML PDF PDF TXT TXT HTML DOC LOG XML PDF LOG HTML DOC YOUR DATA ACCESSIBILITY PROBLEM IS COSTING YOU $65 MILLION CIO, 2017 LOG HTML Just a 10% increase in data accessibility will result in more than $65 million additional net income for a typical Fortune 1000 company. XLS DB XLS XLS 10% 65 $ PDF DB DOC LOG XML HTML Across three years of data, interest in the most conventional end-user data preparation integration features remains steady or higher…access to common file formats, traditional databases, and combined multiple data sets show the strongest 2017 momentum. We find strong interest in improving data preparation and increasing self-service capabilities so that business users and analysts can do more on their own to prepare data without IT hand-holding. IMPROVING DATA PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS ANALYTICS, TDWI RESEARCH, 2016 END USER DATA PREPARATION MARKET STUDY 2017, DRESNER ADVISORY SERVICES, 2017 56 % 56% of repondents reported achieving easier data access with data preparation DATA PREPARATION: REFINING RAW DATA INTO VALUE, BARC, 2017 Rishabh Mallick Betty Chou Mike Guadagnini “In the underwriting process when we receive our documents and due diligence items, from our potential borrowers or prospects, the files can be sent to us in a varied format and sometimes text formats, sometimes excel and sometimes PDF. It is criical for us to be able to take all that material and extract the information and transform it into something that is consistent.” “Monarch handles so many different features. Convert so many different things - not just text files and PDFs, they can convert a lot of stuff like SQL data..more than I know. So I"m amazed” “Point and click and auto parse without having an IT background” ABL COMMERCIAL UNDERWRITER DATA ANALYST ACCOUNT MANAGER OPTIMIZE Typically, internal and external business systems are not integrated and the data needed for analysis is stored in a myriad of formats. Business struggles to get rapid and accurate information in a timely fashion. Once a workflow is defined to this process, business rules can be applied to data exports,thus freeing Business to get making a difference at a strategic level. 54 % Data preparation is the focus of innovative software technology methods aimed at accelerating, if not automating, processes necessary to support business analytics. DATA PREPARATION: REFINING RAW DATA INTO VALUE TDWI RESEARCH, 2016 because we want to focus our time on meaningful productive activities 50 % 54% of respondents reported achieving improved analytical effeciency and flexibility using data preparation 50% of respondents reported achieving improved time to insights using data preparation DATA PREPARATION: REFINING RAW DATA INTO VALUE, BARC, 2017 DATA PREPARATION: REFINING RAW DATA INTO VALUE, BARC, 2017 Darren Carfano Rishabh Mallick Betty Chou “People will take information out of accounting systems they"ll go in and probably will re-key manually - 20 hours later they"ll come up with their exceptions. We are looking to cut all that data joining. We are going to really fly with this tool.” “obviously as you can imagine, having varied information,it can be difficult to make a credit decision if you had to spend half your time figuring out the format, figuring out if something is in 1000s, or millions, or if this is the whole number.” “The banks send us data in report format. We need to farm out and it"s very time consuming and mistakes can happen. With Monarch, we can create a pattern, create excel report and in readable format. It"s really very helpful.” BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE MANAGER ABL COMMERCIAL UNDERWRITER DATA ANALYST