Virtualisation with your people at the heart Technical consultancy, strategy consulting and managed services for the successful cloud migration, based on Citrix on Azure and tailored for the financial sector. Many retail and investment banks and insurance companies are increasingly moving away from traditional data environments. Technology innovations such as AI and BOTs, growing competition from new style, more agile banks, heightened customer expectations, the demand for modern productivity tools to help attract and retain new talent and security and compliance requirements like GDPR are increasingly pushing financial organisations towards the cloud. Namely, the solution was forged in a...
Virtualisation with your people at the heart Technical consultancy, strategy consulting and managed services for the successful cloud migration, based on Citrix on Azure and tailored for the financial sector. Many retail and investment banks and insurance companies are increasingly moving away from traditional data environments. Technology innovations such as AI and BOTs, growing competition from new style, more agile banks, heightened customer expectations, the demand for modern productivity tools to help attract and retain new talent and security and compliance requirements like GDPR are increasingly pushing financial organisations towards the cloud. Namely, the solution was forged in a strong partnership between Microsoft, Citrix and Dimension Data. While Microsoft provides the right business platform to host the solution and Citrix ensures the right tools to enhance the anytime, anywhere productivity, Dimension Data brings all that together by mapping, implementing, managing and securing your digital workspace – designed with your people at heart. Dimension Data consultants are experts in network optimisation, data center operations, virtualisation and security – all of which are vital elements for a welldesigned Citrix environment. Dimension Data can help your digital journey with: Maybe your company already has a cloud strategy or plans to develop one, but the odds are you have constrained the use of virtual desktops for various reasons. • Perhaps you have security concerns, compliance challenges and latency issues. • At Dimension Data, we created a new secure, connected enterprise solution and tailored it specifically for financial services. A digital, all-encompassing workspace that brings your people, culture, physical environment and technology together.’ Combining our global presence and local knowledge, we know how to get the right vendors at the table to support software development and deployment. previous page | next page • • • End user centric services for supporting the Planning, building and implementing of virtualised desktop environments, either in the cloud or on-premise. Global Integration expertise of Citrix services with Desktop, productivity and collaboration tools such as Microsoft Windows 10, Office365, Skype for business, Cisco Spark. Enabling clients to embrace true enterprise mobility with relevant solutions and services. Offering clients, a comprehensive range of desktop solutions and services. Provide consultative advice on required Software services. 3 The case for cloud is now well established - and many enterprise organisations are already taking advantage. Economic volatility, shrinking budgets, a mobile workforce, exponential data growth...these factors and more are driving the transformation of IT infrastructure and services - fast. Cloud adoption rates continue to rise, with the worldwide public cloud services market expected to grow 18% this year1. Recent research from cloud solutions provider RightScale reveals that 93% of businesses are using cloud technology of some kind in their daily activities2. The cloud in context The benefits of outsourcing to a cloud hosted model are understood by enterprise CTOs and CIOs, with several critical factors driving cloud’s rapid uptake: Compete to win Be faster to market, with better solutions; stay agile and responsive to change Security Keep information, employees and your reputation safe, wherever it resides and whomever is using it Organisations are keen to offer scale on-demand; maintain the ultimate in performance and achieve global reach. However, in an ideal world, whilst all of this is certainly possible, the majority of enterprises do not live in such a utopia. Existing infrastructure is not necessarily capable of embracing cloud technologies, which hinders progress and can prevent migration. As such, a ‘real-world’ strategy is required... New business models and digital capabilities Sources: 1. Gartner | 2. CIO Reduce costs, streamline operations, improve employee and customer experience Source: 1. Gartner 2. CIO previous page | next page 4